I had a whole lot more behind this, but as you can see, I was just hit on a partial before the close.
SOLD -7 1/2 BACKRATIO FB 100 NOV 12 17/16 PUT @.15 ISEMARK=19.44 IMPL VOL=73.60%
Here are what the ODDS of this trade is telling us.
1) For this underlying to hit 15 as a .069 percent of happening within this time frame.
2) Which my implication is saying the trade has a 93% chance of making money.
(Rounded 7 percent inverse)
#625680737, BOT +7 FB 100 NOV 12 16 PUT @.05 PHLXMARK=23.5899 IMPL VOL=54.61% ,
ACCOUNT 86*****36
#625724430, SOLD -5 FB 100 NOV 12 17 PUT @.09 NASDAQMARK=23.4001 IMPL VOL=54.82%
, ACCOUNT 86*****36
#625753484, BOT +7 FB 100 NOV 12 16 PUT @.05 PHLXMARK=23.6283 IMPL VOL=55.35% ,
ACCOUNT 86*****36
#625769256, SOLD -2 FB 100 NOV 12 17 PUT @.09 NASDAQMARK=23.58 IMPL VOL=55.57% ,
ACCOUNT 86*****36