Friday, March 22, 2013

"Falling prices in themselves stimulate the economy since they encourage spending by consumers who had been discouraged by higher prices. Putting more money in the consumers' hands merely forces prices higher and accomplishes little from their stand point. More inflation and higher prices, however, do the government some good since they generate higher tax revenues, which is exactly what the government wanted to accomplish- That is, bolster government tax revenues, not the economy....."

" A Bond is not an asset when held by the *MAKER* of the bond!".

""With all due apologies to Lewis Carroll it's an "alice-in-wonderland" world when a government announces the Official price at which it absolutely refuses to sell something.  It somehow reminds me of a man who told a soda jerk that he wanted some seltzer without chocolate syrup, and the soda jerk replied, "Sir, we are all out of chocolate syrup, you will have to have it without strawberry syrup." Or a lady who asked a butcher how much he charged for meat, and he replied 89 cents a pound. "Why so much?" the lady inquired. "The butcher across the street gets only 69 cents a pound." "Then," the butcher asked, "why don't you buy it across the street?" "because he is out of meat," she replied. "Well," the butcher retorted, "when I am out of meat, I only get 59 cents a pound."" -Iwrin A. S.