Thursday, March 7, 2013

I just want to make a slight mention of something that happened today that I find hilarious.

S.E. and myself have spent the last few trading years talking on skype throughout the day- Two different people with Two totally different approaches.

Either, I am calling him a moron, or him calling me an Idiot- but all in good fun.


So Today I was looking at Fxy and we almost always disagree on our approach, not that either of them is right or wrong- just different.

I tell him what I am working... what strikes and why ... My order was this ....


After him saying .. he would rather be on the other side of the trade... and the DOUBLE DOG DARE>>>>

BAMB I am filled...

and then he sends me this ...


Note the EXACT SAME FILL TIME ..(3/7/13 10:29:17).. he stepped up and WACKED my order. hahahah I LOVE IT.



That is what friends are for, to push each other and make us better traders..

its a tiny trade and its all in good fun, but I don't think I have ever been directly been in a situation like ACKMAN V.S. ICOHN before, but It's nice to be between friends regardless.


Fxy Imp Vol. in it's 80th percentile.