Friday, May 17, 2013

How Not To Trade A Broken Wing Butterfly.

on 5/07/2013 we enter a BWB on AGQ  (2 Week Play) Click Image for Zoom View

AGQ is a ProShares 3x leverage Silver ETF

Our entry is about where the line is marking the chart, its a slightly bearish BWB.

our center strike, and trade target is the 23 strike, We Entered on 05/07 on 5/15 8 days later we are exactly at the center strike, so we pull up the analyze tab to see how much this thing has made, and much to our dismay .

We have been in the BWB Fly for 8 days we are at the center strike, the bwb is at the exact same price.  So if we can just hold this it might open up well .


We Float right past 23 but the fly is slowly opening up, I never Ever hold things this long- one leg of the fly is ZERO bid, so I am going to ignore that and work a ratio spread to get out of this.

Mid Day we are looking like this ...note the center line in the bottom the position is up about $950.00

I start to say to myself this is what a unicorn looks like and they do exist, we can Pin 23 and we will have made a square circle, high fives all around the office. ......

and then we start to slide.... I rapidly become uncomfortable with the dollar extra of risk the bwb has, So in good practice I spend 4 cents and by a protective leg turning the BWB into a Straight Fly.

(Highlighted Leg Bot, Turning BWB into Straight Fly- Offering outside Leg in off chance)

This gave us a little too much overconfidence, As it let us mentally press things till the end...

and things started sliding more and more. we go through 22.70s, 22.60s, 22.50s 22.40s, 22.30s

I am starting to think the whole thing might get blown out or we can bounce, I closed the long spread vertical of the fly for .98 cents the max it could go to was 1.00

Now I am watching the center strike, Where the market is 70 x 85

I go to .75 Bid and the market goes to .75 X 95 almost instantly.

and we are starting to run out of time, there is less then 5 minutes left in the day at this point,

I am trying to penny the Middle, and With Three minutes left to close Fill .90s while the market is 75x95 and I am the last volume in there for the day .

all Said and done I lost one CENT.