Friday, June 28, 2013

Trading Schedule

"Times given are Central Daylight Time.

CME Globex

Wednesday, July 3:

CME Globex EQUITY INDEX close at 12:15 pm.
CBOT Agricultural Products through Globex close at 12:00 pm.
CME Globex FOREIGN EXCHANGE and Financial Products regular close.
NYMEX/COMEX Products through Globex regular close.

CME Globex EQUITY INDEX regular open.
CME Globex FOREIGN EXCHANGE and Financial Products regular open.
NYMEX/COMEX Products through Globex regular open.
CBOT Agricultural Products through Globex will remain closed until 6:00 pm on Friday, July 5.

Thursday, July 4:

CBOT Agricultural Products through Globex closed.
CME Globex EQUITY INDEX close at 10:30 am.
CME Globex FOREIGN EXCHANGE and Financial Products close at 12:00 pm.
NYMEX/COMEX Products through Globex close at 12:15 pm.

CME Globex EQUITY INDEX trading resumes at 5:00 pm for trade date July 5.
All other Globex products will open at their regularly scheduled time for trade date July 5.

Friday, July 5:

Regular close for all products


Wednesday, July 3:

ICE Soft regular close.
Russell EQUITY INDEX Products close at 12:15 pm.
ICE U.S. Dollar Index regular close.

Russell EQUITY INDEX Products and ICE U.S. Dollar Index will open at its regularly scheduled time.
ICE Soft products will remain closed.

Thursday, July 4:

ICE Soft closed
Russell EQUITY INDEX Products close at 10:30 am.
ICE U.S. Dollar Index close at 12:00 pm.

Russell EQUITY INDEX Products and ICE U.S. Dollar Index will open at its regularly scheduled time for trade date July 5.
ICE Soft products except Cotton will open at its regularly scheduled time for trade date July 5.

Friday, July 5:

ICE Soft product Cotton late open at 7:00 am.

Regular close for all products


No changes."- Transact