Friday, December 6, 2013

That's What Friends Are For?


[12:37:02 PM] AK: I think it can make some something
[12:37:09 PM] AK: as we could test the highs

[12:37:15 PM] R.D.: are you in it
[12:37:21 PM] R.D.: bang it out its at the same price
[12:37:35 PM] R.D.: to me it looks like it wants to roll over
[12:37:40 PM] R.D.: but I who the hell knows right
[12:37:44 PM] R.D.: its a cheap shot
[12:37:50 PM] R.D.: I mean one car is 50 bucks
[12:38:43 PM] R.D.: I will fill at 40 now
[12:38:47 PM] R.D.: if you want it

[12:39:00 PM] AK:  you selling it
[12:39:01 PM] AK: ?

[12:39:19 PM] R.D.: no, but I will if you want it

[12:39:33 PM] AK: yes I want it at .40

[12:39:33 PM] R.D.: put out 40 cents I will hit you
[12:39:42 PM] R.D.: how many

[12:39:56 PM] AK: 15

[12:39:59 PM] R.D.: ok
[12:40:18 PM] R.D.: tell me when your working

[12:40:40 PM] AK: I am working

[12:41:03 PM] R.D.: what price
[12:41:06 PM] R.D.: I am looking for your order

[12:41:10 PM] AK: .40

[12:41:31 PM] R.D.: I am at 40
[12:41:50 PM] R.D.: FILLED


[12:42:24 PM] R.D.: are you on the other side of that

[12:42:54 PM] AK: I am

[12:42:56 PM] R.D.: nice
[12:43:00 PM] R.D.: good luck buddy
[12:43:11 PM] R.D.: so you only got 10
[12:43:16 PM] R.D.: someone else got my other 5
[12:43:17 PM] R.D.: that sucks

[12:43:21 PM] AK: I got 15 in one account
[12:43:27 PM] AK: and 10 on another

[12:43:30 PM] R.D.: is the time stamp exactly the same as mine
[12:43:36 PM] R.D.: we might be and exact match

[12:44:01 PM] AK: yup

[12:44:07 PM] R.D.: your welcome

[12:44:18 PM] AK: thank yu thank you
[12:44:20 PM] AK: lol

[12:44:30 PM] R.D.: I will sell you what ever you want
[12:44:32 PM] R.D.: most of the time
[12:44:56 PM] R.D.: the odds of the vertical are getting less with time

[12:45:02 PM] AK: right

[12:45:07 PM] R.D.: you want another 15
[12:45:16 PM] R.D.: we have time still

[12:45:24 PM] AK: no im good in that

[12:45:30 PM] R.D.: funny

[12:46:20 PM] AK: and with it down when the market is up 170

[12:47:29 PM] R.D.: go oex go baby
[12:47:30 PM] R.D.: haha

[12:47:34 PM] AK: hahahaha

[12:50:14 PM] R.D.: does that seem weird
[12:50:18 PM] R.D.: how I just gave you that order
[12:50:20 PM] R.D.: ?
[12:50:50 PM] R.D.: we are up 180 points dood seriously how must more do you think is realistic

[12:51:09 PM] AK: i am hoping 200 move

[12:51:20 PM] R.D.: no SHxT
[12:51:23 PM] R.D.: but realistically
[12:54:00 PM] R.D.: I hope you get it buddy

[12:54:42 PM] AK: thank you man
[12:54:46 PM] AK: I hope so too

[12:54:54 PM] R.D.: no problem
[12:54:59 PM] R.D.: and enjoy your weekend

[12:55:01 PM] AK: realistically I think we might pull back a bit
[12:55:04 PM] AK: you too

[12:55:11 PM] R.D.: no one knows

[12:55:34 PM] AK: so true

[12:55:54 PM] R.D.: save our matching orders
[12:55:59 PM] R.D.: it will make for a cool story some day

[12:56:22 PM] AK: definitely

[12:56:32 PM] R.D.: battle royal

[12:56:33 PM] R.D.: haha
[12:56:51 PM] R.D.: delta vs theta
[12:56:54 PM] R.D.: 101

[12:57:04 PM] AK: hahhaah