Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Food For Thought!

Part of interesting emails sent to and from us.

".......Greetings, I just have one quick question If I am understanding things correctly because the VXX holds the term structure between the months (unlike the Vix or /VX) if there is a hard fast move up, is there a way to calculate if it would be more beneficial selling the front month pop - or going out say 50-70  days and selling the pop there .. knowing that not only will vol come in on mean reversion, but also that the ETF has a long term drag it also has to over come. so that + prem received .. which is better and how would one determine this?

Would it be something like 50 cents a month plus pop in vol? so if you get 5.00 prem 60 days out you kinda got 6.00 (NOT CREDIT But realistic distance from ATM)= Drag, and time and Vol are all decaying additions the short term prem seller misses?

am I on the correct Track?

Thank you in advance
It’s a great question and I never thought much about IV duration as it relates to VXX. Let me copy XXXX TRADER, he’s our IV guru. Let’s hear his take. I think your numbers sound pretty good and your logic is solid for sure.
Enjoy the weekend,


The drag in the VXX is due to the difference in the /VX futures when the VXX has to roll its position from one /VX future to another every day.  The higher the back month /VX, the greater the drag.  It also depends on when during the VXX rolling cycle that difference occurs.  If the VXX has only a few  contracts left in the front month, then a widening out of that contango, with the back month /VX moving higher relative to the front month, the drag wouldn’t be as pronounced.  

Over the past couple of weeks, the contango in /VX has been pretty narrow thanks to the spike up in the VIX.  With 8 days on the Feb /VX and 35 on the March, most of the VXX is in March.  So, a widening of the contango between Feb and March probably wound’t hit VXX that hard.  That’s why I wouldn’t use VXX options that are too close to expiration, like the Feb weeklys or regular Febs.   Using the March VXX for a bearish trade would take advantage of a drop in vol, as well as a potential widening of the contango between March and April.