Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Order Entry Trade Structure.
This can be thought of in one of two ways..
1) a combo (synthetic stock) with a protective put.
2) a Naked Call with a Credit put Vertical to reduce cost.
Order Entry
13 Strike Combo AKA synthetic stock, and protective ( Margin Reducing wing)
Bot at $1.25 on 9/18
Adjustment One on 9/23 (three trading days later)
Sold Leg of Credit spread Sold at .54 cents
Bot back at .35 debit. NET NET .18 cent gain.
Sold father OTM Call against already owned long Call at and additional $1.00 Credit.
NET RESULT long the Vix at .07 cents total outlay for the 13/17 Call spread which is already holding $1.28 intrinsic value if exited here, currently trading for $1.35 with extrinsic + intrinsic at current time of writing.
Following Day EXIT